To go in the dark with a light, is to know the light. To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight, and find that the dark too, blooms and sings, and is traveled by dark feet and dark wings.
Zoom affords a unique opportunity to explore your Psyche and Soma with fellow sojourners in the sanctity of your home environment. Online groups are a wave of the future, supporting us in reaching across the distances to vision together, process the blocks to our brilliance, and build a resilient future. Visionary Somatics online groups are designed to facilitate an encounter with the “adjacent possible,” meaning that we will use our body, mind, imagination, and spirit to connect with an intelligence that is precise to what is happening in the current life of the group. This sort of group process requires members that can be resilient in the face of uncertainty, are committed to unearthing hidden vulnerabilities and strengths, and are capable of mobilizing their minds to go beyond personal history, personal identity/prior group identity, and implicit patterns of interpretation.
The hidden unconscious of groups can be hurtful, that is why safe groups restore and heal our trust in what groups are capable of. Thus, safety is fundamental yet too much safety is unsafe too. To say it another way, there needs to be a place where expressive risks can be taken, otherwise excessive structure aimed to establish safety can become a toxic egg that is averse to risk. As a facilitator of a virtual space it is my job to keep my finger on the pulse of the group’s life- to gauge the heat in the virtual container by using feedback, intuition, and perception.
This is a social experiment that gives us an opportunity to use technology to transform. Groups are limited to eight members and interested individuals are carefully screened to maximize the possibility of coherence. This does not mean groups are oriented to homogeneity, rather the intention with screening is to bear witness to the unique capacities of each individual and discern who intuitively seems to fit best as an ingredient in each group.